Tuesday, August 14, 2012

12 yr old MUA, IMPRESSIVE!!!!

I somehow stumbled onto this video and I'm glad I did!! I feel everyone, including myself, complain most of the time...  We don't stop and realize how much we have, when others with dreams and aspirations are fighting a way bigger war than we are!!  We all really need to wake up and realize that we can too accomplish so much more rather than settle!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Keep Fighting, Keep Dreaming

Don't know if its just me, but for the past two weeks, many people including myself have been busy questioning life...  Where I'm going with my career as an artist.  No career is easy, but some careers are more secure than others.  In my case, make-up artistry is one of those careers where competition is high, and the beauty industry is ran by top Agencies...  Booking a meeting with an agency is hard, due to the overwhelming number of artists.  Sometimes it gets hard and it all starts to take a toll on your body and mind...  Being that I'm overly sensitive, I kind of lost my way for a bit...  I stopped answering phone calls and texts.... FB and Twitter updates happen every once in a while....  Last Sunday, I was booked for a shoot with my all time favorite Isabella Grosso.  Being that she is a close friend, I let her know how I was feeling, this beautiful person filled me with so much positivity that I am now 100% recovered!!  I have been blessed with so many amazing opportunities, have gotten the chance to work with talented individuals, and still have loyal clients who continue calling me back!  Following your dreams is hard, but I wouldn't trade the hardships of it for anything else!  Eventually, all hard work and sacrifice is compensated, but patience and faith are key!Quitting has never been an option and it will remain the same!! To all of you who are going for your dreams, remember to wake up with a positive outlook each day and to accept the good with the bad!!

Friday, August 10, 2012


As many of you know, Urban Decay is my favorite make-up brand.  Their formulas are amazing and the brand is against animal testing.  Well, Earlier this year, I got the word that Urban Decay was finally offering Pro accounts to working professionals in the Make-up industry.  Like most pro discounts, Urban Decay offers 40% off on most of their products, except for palettes and sets.  To all my fellow MUA's, go to Urban Decay and start enjoying your discount!!!